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PROSPECTUS for public offering of shares from the capital increase of Agria Group Holding AD by means of a subscription under the terms of POSA, approved by Decision №1515-Е of 13.11.2007 of the Financial Supervision Commission.

ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION of Agria Group Holding AD, adopted at the General Meeting of Shareholders in the Company held on 29 September 2007 and entered into the Commercial Register administered by the Registry Agency.
The Articles of Association of Agria Group Holding AD contain all the amendments and changes adopted by the General  Meetings of shareholders of the Company that have taken place on 10 September 2008 and 29 June 2009.
The Articles of Association is an incorporating act of the Company, prepared in compliance with the existing legislation in Bulgaria. Any imperative changes in legislation shall apply with priority instead of any potentially contradicting clauses in the Articles of Association.